Site visit & talents day in the school Goode-Weg-Schule

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Based upon the quality label "Startklar für den Beruf“ (ready for the job) the Goode-Weg-Schule starts to provide vocational training programmes in the class 7. In this context, the Grammar school in Neuenkirchen takes in particular into account the regional situation and works with local sites, vocational training schools, the youth employment agency “Jugendberufsagentur”, chambers, business associations, and other appropriate institutions.

Therefore, the educational curriculum of the second school semester comprised two days of professional orientation. The site visit and one talent day provided the pupils of the seventh and the eighth classes an insight into the world of work. And bema was present. Both in the plant as well as on the second day in school, the programme did not comprise our company and the careers, but also professional hands-on activities - according to the motto “learning by doing”.